Assessing future lawyers in England and Wales

11 Oct 2016 § Leave a comment

What should a Bar or Law Society entry exam look like? The Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) is consulting again on the structure and topics that should be assessed in an open consultation that will run until 9 January 2017. You can repond online or by various alternative means. The SRA will welcome your views on their proposed entrance exam.


We propose that in order to be admitted as a solicitor, individuals would need to pass a new centralised exam, called the SQE. This would be divided into two parts. The first stage would test a candidate’s ability to use and apply legal knowledge and the second stage would test legal skills. In addition to passing the SQE, new solicitors would need to:

  • hold a degree, apprenticeship (or equivalent)

  • have undertaken a substantial period of workplace training (probably 24 months, certainly no less than 18 months

  • meet our character and suitability requirements.


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